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The House of Glam – Lush Interiors & Design Extravaganza

Wow! Dieser Fotoband extravaganter Interieurs lässt uns staunen: Ausdrucksstarke Farbigkeit, edle Materialien, eigenwillige Accessoires werden von der neuen Interior Design Generation bravourös gemixt und mit einem Augenzwinkern präsentiert. Angehaucht von Art Deco oder Memphis erinnern uns diese gekonnt wagemutigen Einrichtungen an glamouröse Filmsets. Must see and try! (Ausgabe in Englischer Sprache)


Seiten: 256
Maße: 24 x 30 cm
Abbildungen: durchgehend farbig
ISBN: 978-3-89955-982-8
Verlag: gestalten
Jahr: 2019
Lieferbar: sofort

Infos zum Inhalt:

Welcome to The House of Glam – Lush Interiors & Design Extravaganza. Challenging convention with maximalist flair, expect to see custom wallpapers, elegant fabrics, and rich marble, as well as mid-century design icons, geometry and echoes of Memphis. A new, young generation of interior designers like David Alhadeff, Cristina Celestino and Nina Yashar with an emphasis on personality are creating homes that aspire to be as unique as their inhabitants, propelling residential design into the future.
This diverse architectural landscape of the book is a feast for the eyes, where expressive colors, textures, unusual forms, and exotic materials combine to create a contemporary interpretation of an art deco or classic 1950s Hollywood film set interior. After all, designers are innate history buffs and there is a wealth of history in architecture, decorative arts, fashion, and film through the ages to cherry pick and play with. These homes dream big.
The House of Glam invites you into the most exciting homes, from Italy to the USA, that embody this decadent, playful trend, profiling key studios and designers at the forefront of the movement.